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Opex works with growers who comply with the high quality standards of Opex. We happily introduce them to you:

Bromelia Specialist

This innovative company with their colourful wide bromelias have in particular directed their cultivation at the specialized retail market such as garden centres. Quality and service are paramount to this supplier. Various pot sizes and combinations are readily available.

Kwekerij Amigra

'Plants with personality' is the motto of this special nursery. Cultivation in a socially responsible manner is highly valued at Amigra and is performed as much as possible naturally. By cultivating calmly, compact and sturdy ferns and ornamental grasses emerge.

Piko Plant

Piko Plant is a top grower of Phalaenopsis who combine personal attention with the newest techniques. The most exclusive species are available here under the label Bohemian Orchids®. In addition, the Phalaenopsis plants of Piko Plant are available the year around in various colours and types.

Ok Plant

OK Plant is a versatile company focused on quality and innovation. OK Plant is among other things dealer of 'Little Kolibri Orchid', unique mini Phalaenopsis (9 cm), available in diverse colour varieties.

Smit Sappermeer

Plant nursery Smit works with a genuine plant hunter. Searching the whole world, they look for unique products, which are only added to the assortment after they have been rigorously tested.

Stolk Brothers

Stolk Brothers is a leading Anthurium Andreanum grower. At Stolk Brothers the most modern cultivation techniques are used in the cultivation process, such as automatic sorting using cameras.

Important objective of Stolk Brothers is the profiling and proving in practice of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The company has received various prizes for the best innovations and socially responsible culture method.

Decorum Dealer

There are about 40 growers under the Decorum label who together provide a wide range of flowering and green potted plants. Through this unique partnership, it is possible to focus on delivering the most beautiful plants in custom sizes.

We will highlight some of the Decorum growers:


  • JoGrow is a modern nursery operating in potted plants and now leading in growing tropical green indoor plants.
  • Always looking for innovation and cuttings in the versatile range.
  • The environment has high priority at JoGrow. JoGrow is MPS (Milieu Programme Floriculture) SQ-GAP certified.



  • Vreugdenhil is one of the forerunners in the cultivation of Amaryllis and now specializes in tropical plants.



  • Ammerlaan-Sosef is a modern grower of potted plants, including Celosia 'Deep Purple' Caracas, Primula 'Touch Me' and Cyclamen, located right in the heart of the horticulture, the Westland.